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The Arizona Novel COVID South Western Intergovernmental Committee (NCSWIC) aims to address the issues that arose during the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss how to move forward. The flawed response to the pandemic, draconian measures, and evidence pointing to the virus’s origin from a Wuhan lab leak have led to a lack of trust in governmental institutions. Furthermore, concerns have been raised about the COVID-19 vaccination program, the suppression of alternative treatments, and the impact on hospital systems.

Key Points:

  • NCSWIC’s purpose is to formally recognize and address the problems faced during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Issues include the origin of the virus, the flawed response, and the erosion of trust in governmental institutions.
  • There are concerns about the COVID-19 vaccination program, suppressed alternative treatments, and the impact on hospital systems.

In conclusion, the NCSWIC will investigate the issues faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and work to provide answers and accountability for the citizens of Arizona. This will involve accepting and admitting the existence of these issues, identifying responsible parties, determining preventative measures, and preparing legislative recommendations to safeguard against future harm. The goal is to restore trust in governmental institutions and promote transparency in public health.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

  1. Call to Order
  2. Traditional Blessing
  3. Purpose
  4. Speakers:

Public Health Incompetence (DR. MCCULLOUGH & DR. LEE) 

  • COVID-19 Testing Accuracy: Positive vs. False Positive
  • COVID-19 Measures: Economic, Psych, & Institutional Damage: Lockdowns, Masks, Social Distancing.
  • Inflated Statistics.
  • Natural Immunity vs. mRNA Vaccines.

Death by Protocol: Cash over Quality of Care (DR. KORY & DR. LEE) 

  • CARES Act/HRSA Reimbursement Program.
  • Effects of Remdesivir and Ventilator Protocol.
  • Nursing Home Deaths.
  • Dying Alone.

Authorized NOT Approved: Vaccine Mandates (DR. URSO) 

  • OSHA
  • Early Treatment Protocol.

 Data Transparency: V-Safe & VAERS (AARON SIRI) 

  • Clinical trials: mRNA vaccines.
  • Pharmaceutical Immunity.
  • Injuries and Deaths.
  • Lack of Informed Consent.
  1. Public Testimony/Comments
  2. Discuss, Review & Adopt Committee Recommendations
  3. Recess

Friday, May 26, 2023

  1. Call to Order
  2. Traditional Blessing
  3. Purpose
  4. Speakers:

Solutions: Post Exposure to Spike Protein (DR. LELA) 

    • What is Spike Protein?
    • Spike Protein Injury.
    • Mobile Clinics.

Medical Freedom: Legal Process and Remedies (TBD) 

          • Wrongful Death Suits & Mass Tort Suits.
          • Patients Rights
          • Right to Medical Freedom
      1. Public Testimony/Comments
      2. Discuss, Review & Adopt Committee Recommendations
      3. Final Comments from Committee Members
      4. Adjournment